The Goshen Soccer Club, a non-profit organization based in Goshen, New York, is dedicated to the development of its youth through the game of soccer. Our goal is to provide youth soccer players of all ages and abilities with a positive, safe and rewarding soccer experience. We emphasize player development, good sportsmanship and developing a love of the game. GSC programs and activities focus on helping young players build strong physical, intellectual and emotional skills, develop positive self-esteem, and build character by learning hard work, respect, honesty, sportsmanship and teamwork.
The GSC is a member of the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) and US Youth Soccer Association (USYSA).
The GSC’s USSF licensed, knowledgeable and experienced coaching staff strives to create the best possible environment for age-appropriate long-term player development, matching player skill with the right level of play